Thursday, April 12, 2012

One's cup of tea is another's cup of pooo!

Like my journey to weight-loss I also have a journey to a more compassionate life.
In this part of my life, this time in age it is so important to eat healthy, and have also mental health. We, I believe, can not, I repeat can not, have one without the other.
I catch myself people watching, I don't mean the simple looking out the window people watching, not the sit in the park people watching, (I do find that fun though), I'm talking about really studying people and there actions and the way they treat themselves and others. I find it interesting I can pin point a person's happiness in 5.2 seconds flat. The energy I feel from others is crazy! I have had this since I can remember. The senses in a person's body is incredibly amazing!
That said, I see the looks I get when I say, oh no thank you I don't want to eat meat. I see them look at me then I just cringe because I know whats coming next, a bunch of weird off the wall questions. I feel the energy around me get awkward and defensive in turn I get anxious and wish I could crawl under a rock.
What gives another person the right to dictate to you what you should and should not believe. It goes hand in hand with religion and other social so called the "RIGHT" things to do. Societies norm.
I'm not your so called normal gal, I just don't think it's in me. I was born destined to be different and guess what I'm OK with that! I'm happy to be me, love me or hate me that's your prerogative but never the less I will be me now, tomorrow, till the day I die.
That's just me, I want to live with happiness and compassion for others as well as myself. I want to spread the word that it is OK to be different. Your higher power knows who you are, the purpose in life is to find it and live it fully!
Peace be with you and yours tonight and the next time someone criticises you for being you tell them, with love, STICK IT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE!

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