I come to a time in my life where I need to turn the page. I need to get moving on with life instead of staying in the world of self pity and boo hooing my days away.
I need to surround myself with uplifting people that will encourage, not discourage.
I have always tried to be a person who really listens, I'm some what of a energy feeler. I'm talking about the energy you bring into a room, I feel all of it. Some days it makes me want to go out of my skin because I'm like come on people is it really that hard to be nice?
Well back to my want for the page to turn. I need to for me and me alone, I keep hanging on these pounds for so many reasons, it wasn't until today when I had a moment reading a friends blog I understood why I hang on to this weight.
I sabotage my weight loss goals as well as my goal to live a compassionate life, in order to make other people around me comfortable with themselves. In turn, my light dims, and I succumb to the brownies with ice cream.
So I'm going to try to really see what I put in my mouth and why? Am I hungry, excited, overwhelmed? So onto better days of putting me first, after all without a good me how can I be good to others?
Peace out my cyber make believe friends lol
Knowing the reasons why we eat and overeat are key. I'm glad you are taking the time to examine your motives. I'm a self-sabotager as well. And knowing you do it doesn't always stop you from doing it but it's a start.