Saturday, August 20, 2011

To Breakfast or not to Breakfast that is the question???

I'm so baffled about breakfast, I just cant seem to like it. I try this dish that one simple ones complicated ones and I always come back to the same issue, I don't like to eat in the morning! I just hate it I don't feel like chewing and  I really don't like how my tummy feels when I eat in the morning. It usually takes me 4-5 hours after I wake to feel like I want to eat.
I went online and read so many ideas of what a person is suppose to do upon waking. The first is to make sure you have a good breakfast it will help your metabolism. Then I read that a person is suppose to eat only fruit till noon because that would help with the weight loss. Then I read a person say (some yogi) that you must not eat anything till noon so you then can break-fast and eat your first meal of the day, this is so your body rest and eases into eating for the day. Well do you get my issue now? I'm so confused! To eat or not to eat, what to eat and what not to eat now those are my questions!?
My body feels like its a no but from the majority of what I have read I'm thinking that I should force myself. They say if you do a task so many times it becomes habit. I need to make this a habit but now to get my tummy on board with it.
I wonder if more people have issues with this? I think so because man did I ever find a ton of info on the www! Never the less I'm still confused?  I'm going to try it for one month to have breakfast within half hour of waking. Ill let you know how it goes.
~Peace Shawn~

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