Shawn's bio

Let me start by saying thank you for finding this blog. You are about to start a journey with me to a more healthy and compassionate life.
My journey began in my early 20's when I was living in Mexico. I just got there and I was in the back yard of my hostesses home, and sitting there playing with this cute little goat. It was frolicking around the yard, like it was free as can be. Then to my amazement and disbelief there came this old lady, who I seen walking into the gate of the back yard, and she grabbed the goat flipped it over slung the rope over the tree and proceeded to slit its throat! I was in shock as she stripped this poor animal to nothing but crying flesh. I say crying because through all of what was happening the goat was crying like a baby being killed. It was awful!
The worst was yet to come for me because the hostesses came out beaming ear to ear and informed me that the slaughter was to celebrate my visit to their town. I was heart broken, this poor animal was killed because of me? I couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't eat the animal that night and the people there was not pleased but I just couldn't. Hours before I was playing with it.
When I came back to America I decided to not eat meat. Here I found it wasn't such a taboo not to eat meat. I lived this way for about six years. Then I slowly started eating fish then went to chicken than before I knew it I was full fledged carnivore. I also in the meantime went from 130 lbs to 218 lbs. I knew something had to change.
When arrived in Mexico I weighed 260 lbs by the time I left 3 years later I was 130lbs.
This past year I started looking at my behavior more closely (I'm assuming this happens with age) I wanted to know why I sabotage myself and think its OK for me to be so unhealthy. It has effected every part of my life. In my reflection I have discovered I forgot about the compassion I once had for me and for animals alike. I lost that will to live a healthy and compassionate life.
I'm here now and doing what I know is my purpose in life, to help others and myself stay on track to a healthier more compassionate life.

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